Tag: canoe

Source of river Gacka

One of my favourite regions in Croatia is Lika.
Later on, I will write more about one of the prettiest rivers of Croatia, the Gacka river.

How to describe the landscape? Coming from Otocac you will find the Gacka river on your right flowing trough a pastoral valley. Once you have passed the city you take a left and drive a few kilometres to find the spring of Gacka river

I lover river sources. Especially when you have already seen the river itself. It brings you back to the very origin of something very strong and powerful. The source itself is often something rather fragile and vulnerable. At many of the river sources in Croatia, you find these mint plans. It means that the water is absolutely clean and pure.

Many river sources in Croatia were used for their hydropower. So is the case with the Gacka river source. But it makes the location even more attractive. The wooden mills fit so well in the landscape. They are not in use anymore but one serves as a little shop. Unfortunately, the place is a bit run down, and some renovations would be beneficial. But nevertheless, this is a very refreshing, spiritual and photogenic place.

About ten kilometres from Otocac.
Parking space available. No entrance fee.
Click here for the exact location.

   Photo tip:
I advise you to picture these watermills just after sunrise. I took mine when there was still some morning mist. It adds some more atmosphere to the picture. I used a wide-angle, it gives more depth to the picture. With pictures like this, it is much better to take a low position so the water serves as a nice forefront. You can also decide to go into the water. Be careful not to shoot these kinds of pictures in the late morning or afternoon. The reflection of the sun in the water will spoil your picture.

   Take a break: 
There is a great pizzeria very near to the river source.  In the town of Otocac there are many nice cafes.

   Take a walk:

The Gacka river is of such pristine beauty. The Gacka valley is really ideal for walking or just sit on some of the benches and enjoy the silence and the sound of the small river. If you like you can rent a canoe and explore some part of the river. Some boats are transparent so you can experience the water life underneath the surface.